Conditions of download:
You will not remove ANY identifying mark(s) left by the author in ANY of these scripts.
You will not alter ANY of these scripts. Except if specified by the author.

Right click the 2 and press save as..


IP Saver

2 Saves ip, name, and server. Also displays these in a wallop.

I Love You Bot


This is a triggered bot, !ilu , it displayes many ways to show your love.


2 Elmware's color script let's you talk in color using /sayc [color ref+text] and a few extra.

IP Ban

2 Triggered Ip ban, !ip , hehe.

Level Triggers

2 Triggered levels, !elite !admin !mod !user !leech, an elite script.
2 This is a script 4 those people you don't want back.
Instant Message Greet
2 Instant Message a user with a greeting upon channel join.
Message Bot
2 This is for users to leave messages for other users, AKA online Answering Machine.
2 This allows you to protect 5 names. An Elite script.
Public Greeting
2 This sends a greeting in chat to users who join.
Various Triggers
2 A little of everything in this lol, /commands, will display the commands in a wallop.
Message All
2 This script will get all the users not in a channel, /msgall, as well as the 1s in a channel, /spam .
2 This script finds all the Mod+ (Elite, Admin, Moderator) on the server(s) and displays them in a wallop, or you can edit it.
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